Ruined gurdwara at sagri village, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

The building, or whatever is remaining of it, is in a poor condition. The building was used for some time as a school but now it is totally abandoned. He could not inform us of the date of construction. But the concrete roof, clearly indicates that it was constructed not long before the partition. The gurdwara needs attention because it nears to be collapse at any time.

Outside view of the Gurdwara.

Roof of the Gurdwara.

Inside view of the Gurdwara.

We also found some plaques inside the gurdwara in memory of those people who contributed to different services.

The Gurdwara is served by various donners who lives here in Sagri village as described below.

31 rupees offered in service by Chaudry Deedaar Singh Ji Kohli In the memory 
of his father Ghanda Singh

Service of rupees 101 rendered by Sardar Jawahar Singh son of Chaudry Harman Singh
in memory of Kaka Maan Singh in the heavenly adobe.

31 rupees offered in service by Chaudry Deedaar Singh Ji Kohli In the memory 
of his father Chanda Singh

Ardaas arranged for his/her daughter in the heavenly adobe.
Lakshmi Devi's memory.

51 Rupees were offered for ardas by Bhai Arjan Singh son of Bhai Lakha Singh for his brother
in the heavenly adobe Sardar Nanak Singh's memory.

We need to take care of our historical monuments. It is now in very critical condition.

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