An Abandoned haveli of Bhai Tara Singh, Gulyana village, Gujjar Khan, Rawalpindi

I was traveling back to Rawalpindi from gulyana village and I have seen this beautiful architecture in gujjar khan city near to bus station.
The haveli bhai Tara Singh g and Its an amazing Mansion which was built in early 19s

View of front of the mansion.

View of the main entrance of the mansion.

Pillars of the main entrance of the mansion..

Mud mades flower art on main entrance of the mansion

Close view of the door at main entrance of the mansion.

Street view of windows..

Roof view of mansion from street..

Second entrance of mansion.

View of the mansion from back side.

Close view of roof from street.

An arch on back side of rhe mansion.

Window at the back wall of the mansion made with hand pressed metal.

Room at roof top of the mansion..

This mansion is a masterpiece of the past and shows the love of the owner the way he built this beautiful architecture. But now its in a very bad condition the lawn of this mansion is covered with the waste of house hold items one the main wall of this mansion is vanished and the people who are living in a surroundings they are using it as a litterbox. I felt really pain when i saw this mansion in this condition we nees to preserve these type of mansion those are relatable to our heritage..

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